Well, they started off talking about moving, but they might have lost sight of the topic toward the end - at least they didn't go into the whole Nemo story! Here are a few of their thoughts on moving -
Johnsons Unedited: Emma Lee and Kerri on Moving from Michaella Johnson on Vimeo.
From a parent's perspective, Kerri is taking it really well. In classic Kerri form, she just goes with the flow and everything is matter-of-factly fine (to be honest, I don't know if she completely "gets" it or if she is just focusing on the positive . . . or maybe its a little of both). When we visited Ingleside, she really surprised me by not caring a bit about me leaving her in her new classroom or even by the fact that Emma Lee wasn't even on the same floor with her! Maybe her long-lasting separation anxiety issues are officially over!! Emma Lee is reluctantly excited. She is looking forward to the "newness" of everything, but she also is really aware of what she is leaving behind. If you ask her, she says she is happy and excited and she talks about all the good things, but on the other hand she comes up to me crying on a regular basis talking about a friend or something she is going to miss. We talk through it though and it doesn't last long. It's not too concerning to me because I know that she is my little drama queen overly emotional one ;) (I've never met anyone who can turn on and off genuine tears like she can!!). I really think that she is learning a lot of valuable life lessons this year, and I'm seeing her become more and more spiritually sensitive. Overall, I'm happy about the fact that they are still young enough to be in the stage where making best friends is as easy as spending an hour playing together with someone whose name they don't even know yet.
A Poem in Words (for Red)
5 weeks ago
Awww - we'll miss you guys too! I love how Kerri says "church." Keep us updated on your blog - I never comment but I do read it!
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