Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shaken Not Churned

In spite of all the sickness around here, we've still managed to get a good bit accomplished in school. We're almost finished with our farm animals mini-unit, and after comparing goat's milk to cow's milk last week we moved on this week to learning about dairy products. We made our own butter, which involved a whole lot of shaking, a little creativity (using a nalgene bottle instead of a mason jar), and a little accident (shaking a bottle near your face may result in some trauma!).

After the butter was done, the girls sampled some in their "dairy party."

They had bread with their homemade butter, crackers with cream cheese, pretzels dipped in sour cream, cheese, yogurt, vanilla wafers dunked in milk, chocolate milk to drink, and (their favorite of course) ice cream. They definitely met their dairy requirements for today!!

Side Note: It's so funny how I just assume that they know where everything comes from, but they really have no clue! A couple of my friends and I were talking this week about how most Americans are so far removed from from the "food process." We just go to the store (without even marveling at the many selections!), pick whatever we're in the mood for, and buy it. Case in point, when I first asked the girls to name some dairy products after we had talked about some of the things that come from cow's milk, Kerri said she thought bananas came from cows. I laughed thinking she was joking and asked her why she thought that. She pointed out that bananas are the same color as milk, so they must be made from it. Emma Lee agreed and thought Kerri had a pretty good point. When I told them that bananas grow on trees, they were the ones who laughed and thought I was joking! I really hope it didn't confuse them that part of their yogurt for their dairy party just happened to be banana flavor....hmm should have thought that one out a little better!