
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Missing Persons Report

I'm getting pretty desperate here - I've waited longer than the required 24 hours because I was trying to be considerate. I figured, it's probably a busy time of year with all the returns from holiday traveling and extra guests, etc. I've gone past the patient stage, past the irritated stage, past the angry stage, now I'm downright worried and afraid, so I thought it's high time to file a missing persons report.

Case Number: INDHLP____________
Date: Jan. 6, 2011_________________
Time: 10:15 am___________________
Relationship to missing person: it's complicated, but she really means a lot to me___
Description: small, sparkly, probably has wings, I'm guessing, I mean, I've never actually seen her I just know she's gone...

My laundry fairy has disappeared!!!
Generous reward for anyone who offers information leading to her whereabouts!!


  1. Ahahahahaha!!! Love it! I love reading your blog! I would totally be your fairy if I lived closer. wait...that doesn't sound right...

  2. My pile looks at least that bad. At least.

  3. I feel your pain!!! Imagine adding 2 more kids to the laundry!!! we are trying to teach the kids to wear things more than once if they are not dirty to see if that will help. (Rachel)

  4. Oh, she came to our house!!! We got 5 loads done today!! I will send her back right away!!!!

    The Carmichael's

  5. I must admit...I kidnapped her. Problem is, she refuses to work for me! I have two loads in the dryer (don't ask), one in the washer, and two more ON TOP of the washer...not to mention what we've accumulated in the past 2 or 3 days.

    I'm letting her go because we can't afford to feed her anymore, but I can't guarantee she'll come back. It's a long way to Georgia!
