
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A (Long) Holiday Recap

After all the holiday traveling, we're finally back home and trying to find our "normal" again. (Whatever that is!! I realized that in the two and a half months we've lived in GA, I've traveled back to NC on 4 separate occasions and two of those times lasted a full week and included 3 locations! No more traveling for me anytime soon!!)

We had an amazing first Christmas at home and began traditions that we hope to follow every year. The girls really got into celebrating Jesus' birthday and took their task of selecting his Christmas presents very seriously. We hung around our house until that afternoon - then we packed our bags and headed off to NC.

I also had my very first white Christmas and couldn't have been more excited about it! It snowed about 5 inches at my parents' house, and we all had fun getting out and playing in it the next day!

The guys also made what has to be close to the world record for a snowball.
Of course, they couldn't just be content with that - or with a normal snowman. Instead, they made a skull and turned it into the snow beast, which just proves no matter how old they get - boys will be boys!

Emma Lee enjoyed the oldest cousin role as she organized all the kids into doing a Christmas play for everyone.

I also got the chance to meet my newest nephew who is a real cutie!

 Story time with Grandpapa was hard to beat!
Seeing our Durham friends was a special treat.
I suppose for posterity's sake, I should just point out that we don't know the smallest girl in this picture. Kerri, however, must have felt an immediate bond with her because she decided it would be a great idea to decorate the girl's entire face, feet, and hands with an ink pen! 

On the 28th, Andy and I celebrated 8 years of marriage. I'll admit it, I was more than a little pouty on multiple occasions leading up to our anniversary due to the lack of big, exciting plans to celebrate. In the end, we ended up going out to Starbucks and reminiscing about the years that we've spent together, and it couldn't have been better! I think some good old uninterrupted, deliberate conversation was exactly what we needed. As you can imagine, we haven't been getting much of that lately! It was pretty amazing just to take the time to stop and remember all that the previous years have held and how much we have grown together! I love him so much!
 New Year's Eve we spent all night playing and eating and eating and playing some more!
We really enjoyed all the time we spent with family and friends, and somehow we even managed to enjoy (almost all) the traveling.

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