
Friday, January 7, 2011

Next Design Star - Apply Here

Being in a new place, I had not gotten around to decorating yet before I got out all the Christmas things. Yesterday, we took them all down and packed them all up, and now I'm left with this:
Yikes!! Where do I start??
 I do have this set of picture frames that I thought about using above the fireplace, but I'm not 100% sold on the idea because I have another place I might use them. Also, if I decide to use them - do I use our family pictures or "artsy" kind of pictures. What about color or black & white??
What to put on the mantel is a whole other set of "problems." I do have several hurricane vases in assorted sizes, but that's all I have to go on right now.

I'd LOVE any ideas or suggestions you might have for me!!! Please, I'm begging here! ;) 


  1. Wish I could help. I get any creative ideas I use from you! (Anna)

  2. I think artsy or family pictures would both be beautiful there. A lot of it depends on the furnishings in the rest of the room and your house as to what type of artsy pictures you display or what color your family pictures will be. If you want a relaxed look I would go for color pictures and simple artistic pieces. If you want a more formal look go for sepia or black and white and more elegant art pieces above your mantle. As for what to put on your mantle, I would say with all of those frames you want something very simple that is not going to distract your eye. Hurricane vases or pretty candles work very well. Have you considered doing one larger picture either artsy or family above your mantle? With a larger picture you can put more on the mantle. And if you don't want pictures at all, a new popular trend is buying a bunch of different frames, painting them all the same color and displaying them empty (no picture, glass, matte or anything).

    If all else fails, google "how to decorate your mantle" and skim through the images for inspiration. There are a lot of really great ideas there! Choose what represents you and your family best and just go for it! After all its not hard to change :)

  3. I'm glad my money is being used wisely by that Design Star Allyson Hemric! :o)

    Michaella be sure to post pics of the final product - but I'm sure you will!!

  4. Thanks, Allyson! That's all good advice. Sadly, it still looks the same right now. :( I do have an idea, but I won't be able to do it until this summer so I really do need to just do something temporary.
