
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

 Seems like we can never celebrate any holiday with just one day, but that's ok by me! Yesterday, we had a great time at our church's family fun day and then we attended a Saturday night service so that we could all go together as a family. After it was over, we headed back home and let the girls hunt for their Easter basket treasures and candy (since Andy had to leave much earlier than us this morning).

After they found everything, they began to check out their spoils. It was so funny to see their different personalities come out - I jut had to snap a couple of pictures. Here's Emma Lee - neatly opening everything and categorizing her candy in little piles.
Here's Kerri - haphazardly opening eggs and quickly moving on to the next, creating a mess all around her.
This morning, I came downstairs prepared to fix the girls some breakfast, but Kerri informed me that she had "accidentally" already filled up on Easter candy - guess that's what happens when you give it to them Saturday night! Today, we all went our separate ways at church and then came home for a yummy lunch and some time spent relaxing around the house (and eating way too much candy). (We also were so relaxed that we forgot to make calls to family - oops - hope they'll forgive me! Sorry and we love you!)

Tonight, we had a cookout at a sweet friend's house and made our first ever peep s'mores. I'm pretty sure it just became a family tradition!
 We also had a temporary house guest join us for an indefinite amount of time  - but more on that tomorrow! 

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