
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Eggs, Eggs

I feel like I've been functioning (barely) within a cloud of busyness and have had too many things going on at one time. Yesterday, I decided to remedy that (at least for a few hours) by having some spontaneous fun with the girls. It was lunchtime, so I put together an Easter egg lunch hunt, and they loved it (of course!). I gathered up 12 different colors/kinds of Easter eggs (2 of each one) and placed a different food in each kind: grapes, carrots, sandwich squares, sunflower seeds, cheese blocks, goldfish, raisins, etc. I hid them around the house, and the hunt began!

Yes, Kerri decided black eye shadow would be the perfect touch for the dress she picked out to wear....

After they each found their 12, they took them to the table and began to eat their lunch, in random order since they didn't know what was in which egg (Emma Lee was excited that she got to eat a piece of candy first!). It was a hit, and I felt better. I love making special memories with them and hate it when other things start stealing too much of my time and attention.

We waited until Andy got home, but we also dyed some Easter eggs too - can't believe that it's a few short days away!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I might have to steal that!! The kids would LOVE it. =)
