
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tooth Fairy Coming Again

I have several posts that I need to write to catch up on all we've been up to (I literally have 502 pictures in my November album!), but they'll have to wait a little longer. I did have to do a quick one today because Emma Lee lost her 8th tooth!

What a cutie!
She's been on the verge of losing it for a couple of days. This morning she was prepared to let Kerri pull it out for her, but then chickened out at the last minute (with Kerri, I probably would too!). It actually ended up popping out on its own when she jumped out of the van today.Yes, it was that loose! Kind of like this time, but fortunately it didn't last as long!

In typical Emma Lee form, she wrote a letter to the tooth fairy (before she even lost it!). It's pretty hilarious to me because she apologized for the scribbles and she asked the fairy a joke (by the way, do you know the answer - it's her favorite joke!).
I love this girl!

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