
Monday, October 17, 2011


The girls started journaling this past week. They are so excited about it! Emma Lee keeps making comments like, "I wish it was tomorrow already, so I could write in my journal again." and "WHY is it not a school day?? I want to write in my journal!" Kerri's been exclaiming, "I can write about this in my journal!" anytime she gets excited about something. The requirements are that they have to spend at least five minutes alone with their journal and write at least a few sentences (they can also draw pictures).

Here's Emma Lee's first entry. Can you tell how excited she was about it - she didn't want to stop writing! She had a bad dream the night before and finished the night up sleeping in our room. She decided she wanted to write about her dream in her journal.

Kerri spotted an opossum right up at our back door the night before. Of course, that's what she was most excited about and just had to include that in her journal.

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