
Tuesday, October 18, 2011


You probably don't remember, but at the beginning of the year I blogged about my empty above the mantel space. I'm embarrassed to say that it has remained empty up until last week! I came up with a grand plan at the time, but it involved projects and buying things and time (you know how that goes....). Then I thought, "Well, we'll just be moving in a few months, anyway" (which we aren't now - we decided to just stay in this townhouse for one more year while we settle on our other options) and nothing ever happened...until last week.

There's something about fall in the air (which we've only gotten a slight taste of so far!) helped along by my new-found addiction Pinterest, that just gets me in a crafty/decorating/sewing/project kind of mood. Here's what I came up with!
 It's nothing grand or showstoppingly different, but it's not empty! I made the burlap wreath, used some left over fabric scraps in the frames, and pulled out some of the hurricane vases I already had. I bought the candles, leaves, burlap, and that adorable little pumpkin (all on sale), so it turned out to be a pretty budget friendly decorating attempt.

I'm wondering if it needs something in the middle?? I tend not to like the overly decorated mantel where everything is completely covered (unless it's with greenery at Christmas time...), but it is my first time having a mantel, so I don't have much experience with it. What do you think?

Between this and whatever I come up with for Christmas, it at least buys me a few months to work on my original plan.

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