
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Kerri's Turn

Just like we did last year for Emma Lee, we let Kerri get her ears pierced since she's an big kindergartner now! She wasn't about to let me forget that it was her turn!
She opted to take Mr. Penguin along with her to keep her brave. It was a tough deciding between Mr. Penguin and Jessie, but in the end Mr. Penguin won out due to his squishy and huggable nature - much more comforting.
It didn't take her long at all to decide which earrings she wanted. She chose cute little multi-colored daisies.

So excited! Not nervous at all! 
She was so brave! Here's the video. She came close to crying, but in her words, "I just chose to laugh instead." Typical Kerri!

Here's the before and after shot! Don't you just want to eat her up!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Kerri! You're a big girl now! If your ears start to turn green, that's a bad sign, so watch out for that. You look beautiful!
