
Monday, August 15, 2011

8-11-11 (A Little Late....Again) + Back to School

So, this may be cheating a little, but I was behind on this month's photo challenge and decided to just wait a couple more days since I knew I'd be taking some back-to-school pictures today. Here are my sweet girls:

           My Kindergartner!!!???

My First Grader!!!             
We had a great first day back to school, and I think we're all really excited about this year. We talked about when we need to have/do/be for a good school year. Here's the list they came up with:
Good Snacks (first and most importantly!) ;)
Obey and Listen
Fun Trips with Friends
Always Do Your Best

We also started out the morning by going through all their books and talking about what we're going to learn this year, and then I asked them what else they might want to learn about. Kerri had an immediate and very specific list:

How do butterflies make cocoons?
Are butterflies and bumblebees cousins?
How does lightening strike down?
What is the sun made out of?
Do fish really do school underwater?
She also wants to learn about ants, bumblebees. . . well, actually all bugs, rainbows, snapping turtles, and everything underwater. I'm thinking science will be a big winner with her!
Emma Lee wasn't quite as specific, but she's most excited that she gets to learn cursive because that's been a request of hers for a while. She also wants to start a nature collection, and "harder" math "like grown-up math" was at the top of her list.

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