
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

#7 for Emma Lee

The Johnson household is keeping the tooth fairy in business! She's been able to twist it around backwards for days, but today it finally popped right out when she was playing her recorder.

Another cute, toothless smile!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

#2 for Kerri

 The girls both have had a loose tooth for a while, so they've had a little sisterly debate going on about whose would come out first. Here's our winner! (Although she had a little help with a kick to the face by Emma Lee - oops!).

Look at that cute smile!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Not Much

There's not much going on around here lately. I like to take a good week of relaxing and not doing too much after a week of VBS (and all the preparation that goes into it weeks beforehand).

Of course, it wouldn't be VBS without cousins, so we also had a few extras for part of the week. Man, do they know how to have fun together! I love it!

Now that I'm thinking about it, our "not much" has included a home visit with our social worker (read major housecleaning beforehand!), a morning full of legwork to get some of our adoption paperwork in order, a couple of playdates, an impromptu sewing project, swimsuit shopping (for mommy! Please tell me I'm not the only one who has to visit every store in the entire city to find one I'm happy with!). Yep, we're not up to much at all this week! 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Words can't describe how happy this daddy makes his children!
Words can't describe how much I love him for it!

Thanks for being such a wonderful father to our children, Andy!

They wouldn't say much in the video because they really just wanted to play, but here are a few things they came up with for his card (with a little help from mommy to make it fit).

D is for daddy - we love you!
A is for awesome because you're the awesomest!
D is for delighting us with your stories, games, and silliness!
D is for date night - we love our special time with you!
Y is for yucky sweaty hugs (but the game is fun)

*And yes, for those of you wondering, this is what he looked like before his shower this afternoon!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Skinny Dipping

It might be a little (or a lot) redneck,

but it was the perfect way to end the day. 

Anything goes at grandparents' house, right?

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Almost didn't make this one, but here's my monthly picture of the girls.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

You Might Be a Mommy of Girls If . . .

The only band-aids you can find in the house are Hello Kitty, and it doesn't phase you a bit to wear it out in public.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Procrastinator's Motivation

On a particularly hyper night for the girls last week, they were cracking me up making up songs and being silly about not wanting to go to bed yet. I gave in for a few minutes (just so I could pull out the camera, of course!)

I posted this video on Facebook last week, but I love it so much I had to put it on here. In case you haven't realized it yet, my blog is more for me than for you. I love being able to take a few minutes several days throughout the week to post what's going on, so I can look back at it later and stroll down memory lane. Your role is important though because I really believe that the fact that it's public and people are checking it on a regular basis (I've got proof, even though most of you don't leave me comments!) is what gives me the motivation to actually take those few minutes to sit down and do it (if you know me, you know I'm a procrastinator, although I'd like to believe that I've gotten a little better since my college days!). I have a pretty terrible track record with diaries, journals, and scrapbooks, but blogging works for me (because of you - thanks!) I'm so glad it does because then it gives me the opportunity to look back and remember times like

and this!

just to name a few!
Thank you!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Vocabulary Pains

You gotta love the conversations you get with growing vocabularies! Here's one from yesterday:
Emma Lee: "Mommy, Kerri murdered."
Me: "Really, who did she murder?"
Emma Lee: "Me."
"Me: "Ummm, do you know what murdered means? It means she killed you - are you dead?"
Emma Lee: "No. Well, she did talk bad about me."
Me: "Ok, maybe you mean murmur?"
Emma Lee: "Yes! She murmured me!"

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Please Don't

Will somebody please tell this little princess not to grow up too fast!
Seriously! Please don't! Love, your mommy

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Please Stop

Will somebody tell this little miss that it is not okay to grow up this fast!

Seriously?! Please stop! Love, your mommy