
Monday, June 13, 2011

Skinny Dipping

It might be a little (or a lot) redneck,

but it was the perfect way to end the day. 

Anything goes at grandparents' house, right?


  1. Hey Michaela!

    I love following your blog and just have to comment that ours love to skinny dip too! We have a small pool on our back deck and it is their favorite thing for me to let them swim for a few minutes without their bathing suits on. What is it with kids and being naked?!?


  2. Cute! Love your blog, sorry I don't get to check in often... have you heard anything lately??

  3. I grew up skinny dipping. Our kids love it. Interestingly it always put mom a bit on edge. When we finally moved to a place with a pool it was awesome to let my kids know they had the freedom to enjoy lol. The look on their faces was priceless too.

  4. We just moved into a house with a pool and thought about letting the kids skinny dip. They are 7, 10, and 12. We just can't think of a good way to suggest it. Last time we tried to come up with a way we wound up laughing til tears were streaming. How did you go about suggesting it to yours? Emma
