
Thursday, March 3, 2011

So Long...

As much as I had to battle feeling like a traitor, I had to give in to reason and find a new home for our sweet Oreo. His sweetness was well overshadowed by his energy (to put it mildly). I kept hoping that he would settle into a happy medium, but the truth is that he was much too rough for the girls, even though it was all in the spirit of playing. It dawned on me that the girls were the ones that I had gotten a dog for and they weren't even playing with him or enjoying him at all. They were too busy being upset with him for jumping on them, play biting them, grabbing things from them, etc. I worked hard to find him a new (hopefully permanent, for his sake!) home, and I hope that he's happy there.

Despite everything, when the time came for him to walk out the door, the girls (and myself) were all upset. I shared an important life lesson with them tonight: there are times when cuddling in front of the tv with some tissues and chocolate is just the right kind of medicine for a sad heart.

...Farewell, Oreo. We'll always love you, buddy!

*This post is not supported by nor does it reflect the thoughts and feelings of Andy Johnson or Felix! Not everyone was exactly sad to see him go.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, so glad you could have some tissue/chocolate/cuddling time!!
