
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Father/Daughter Banquet (plus mommy/daughter fun!)

Emma Lee and Andy attended the annual Father/Daughter banquet at our church last night (Kerri won't be old enough until next year).

Emma Lee got all "fancied up" and picked everything out herself, from her dress (which we literally shopped until we about dropped trying to find!) to her hairstyle.

Her date treated her right by cleaning up his ride and showing up with her first corsage.

Of course, Kerri and I had to do something special too, so Kerri's choice was dinner at her favorite restaurant

followed by roller skating for the first time. We had tons of laughs and learned that some things that happen at the roller skating rink stay at the roller skating rink!

Tons of fun was had by all! Click here if you want to see more pictures of our evening.

1 comment:

  1. I love this night for yall. Date nights are special!! Beautiful family. I love yall.
