
Monday, March 14, 2011

Love and Marriage

After over 8 years of marriage, Andy and I finally had the opportunity to attend our first marriage conference (FamilyLife Weekend to Remember) this past weekend. With the busy past year we've had, full of changes in our lives, we felt like we really needed the chance to get away and reconnect. We both feel like we have a very healthy marriage, so we didn't feel like we needed to "fix" anything. It was so amazing and worth it to just have so much uninterrupted quality time together. I think that we each even learned a little something new about the other person, and I know that we were definitely reminded of the fact that all healthy marriages take work. 

The very first sentence of the conference was one of the things that stuck with me the most throughout the whole weekend: "Every marriage is either moving toward oneness or drifting toward isolation." There is no stagnancy in marriage - you are either moving toward one another or drifting away from each other. Wow! That's kind of a scary thought considering how many other things are vying for our attention and how easy it is to take care of the "problem" things in our lives first and leave the "healthy" things alone until they develop problems. No wonder so many people wake up one day and feel like they're married to a stranger!

We enjoyed ourselves so much that we made the decision to set aside one weekend every year just to focus on our marriage. It won't be a conference every year, probably more often than not, it will involve us getting away and going through some type of marriage book together and making it a point to spend some quality time with just each other.

I'm so grateful for the amazing husband God has given to me and for the 8+ years that we have had together!

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