
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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I'm afraid I set a precedent last year, and the girls remembered and planned all year for the day you get to wear green and eat green food. Kerri insisted that we couldn't do all the same things - we had to have some new things and everything had to be green. Last year, Emma Lee's preschool made quite a big deal about leprechauns, so they were really excited to find masks that they could paint. We also made rainbow cupcakes (a few actually had the rainbow layers like they were "supposed" to but most ended up being a pretty rainbow swirl. For lunch, they had broccoli, cucumber, and celery sticks with green ranch, green grapes, green goldfish (yes! I picked out every single green fish from a big container of colored goldfish - slightly obsessive, I know!), mini sandwiches made with green bread, and green sprite! All in all, a very fun and green filled day to celebrate a missionary and the country he served (since we're not the slightest bit Irish!)


  1. Michaela, I am so inspired to do St. Patrick's day better next year! We didn't even wear green this year! I loved all your decor and the green food you picked out. So fun!

  2. Gosh, Tara, I can't imagine why not - it's not like you have two sets of twins or anything . . . . ;) (who are absolutely adorable by the way!)
