
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Monday we celebrated the girls 5th and 6th birthdays. How did that happen?? I can't believe how quickly they are growing up, but as sad as it is to think about how they're not babies anymore, every year just gets better and better. I'm looking forward to all the fun and excitement these ages will bring.

We spent the day together as a family at the Atlanta aquarium, visited The Varsity for dinner, and then headed over to Stephen and Rachel's house (my brother and his wife) for some cake and ice cream. Whew! Busy day! Of course, I took a ton of pictures, you can click here to see all of them, but here are a few highlights.

Thinking about how big the girls are now led me to looking through all the pictures of them growing up to this point. I also found a few old video clips, so here's a little walk down memory lane.


  1. Okay, that video was sooo cute! AND, you are super mom! HOW did you DO it with two that were so little??!! -Anna

  2. Haha - thanks. I'd tell you, but it's all kind of a blur ;)
