
Friday, November 12, 2010

On the Road . . . Again

Wednesday the girls and I loaded up the car and set off for NC. We have many scheduled stops and tons of fun planned. The night before we left, Andy said, "You are taking Oreo, right?" (Yeah, he's still not a huge fan of us having a dog, but between you and me, I think he doesn't want to get too attached because that way none of the dog responsibilities will end up on his plate. Guess, I understand why because I cleverly managed to "temporarily" make changing Felix's litter box his responsibilty over 6 years ago and guess who has continued to change it ever since??) Anyway, of course Oreo had to come along. I tried my hardest to get a cute shot of them all in the back seat. You know what they say -
If at first you don't succeed,



try again

. . . and then just give up!
For the record, Oreo was only insanely crazy for about the first 15 minutes. After that, he curled up and pretty much slept the whole way! 

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