I've had a few "Jonah moments" in my life - you know, the times when you are running from something God wants you to do. Well, He recently chased me down with the idea of homeschooling. I've always said that I will never homeschool (First mistake! When am I going to learn to never say never!). I've never even been remotely open to the idea of homeschooling. I had a lot of reasons, but what I realized is that my reasons for not wanting to homeschool were the wrong reasons to have. They were blinding me to the reasons of why I should consider homeschooling.
For us, given our situation and circumstances right now, homeschooling for the coming year is what Andy and I both believe is God's best for our family. I don't think that it is permanent, we have plans to send both girls to a private school next year, but I realize that God might again change my plans.
Right now, the important thing is that I can honestly say I'm very excited about spending an extra year of full days with my precious ones, and I'm looking forward to all the fun we are going to have learning a ton of stuff this year!
P.S. I'm getting pretty close to having my game plan down, but any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, tips, etc. are welcome!!
A Poem in Words (for Red)
5 weeks ago
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