
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I Don't Like This Part

Right now, I have so much to do but am almost at a standstill of what I can do until several things fall into place. I hate waiting for others when I have a long list of stuff to do. I don't know if it is because I'm not the most super-organized person, if our agency wasn't clear enough on their expectations, or just because I've been so busy doing a million different things, of which our adoption is only one of, but today I'm pretty frustrated with how slowly our adoption seems to be moving. So, we finished our homestudy visits, got in all our paperwork, and I thought that it would be approved and finalized pretty quickly. After not hearing anything from them at all, I finally called today and found out they are still waiting for 5 things for it to be complete - two of which we didn't even know about. Great. Also, we have to wait in line before she even reviews our homestudy. (True, it is not a long line, I think we are third, but I want it NOW.) Unfortunately for our situation right now, our homestudy is pretty much the thing that everything else hinges at this point. We can't file our I800-A (to immigration) until our homestudy is completed. We can't send in our dossier (paperwork to Bulgaria) until these and other things fall into place.We can't apply for any adoption grants (some of which have deadlines) until our homestudy is completed. Ugh! I keep telling myself that once my work on this end is finished, I'll be perfectly happy and patient to wait for Bulgaria to work things out on their end, but deep down if I'm completely honest I know that it doesn't work like that. How often do we think, "I'll just be happy when..." or "If only I had____, then everything would be fine." I was reminded today of what Paul said in Philippians:
. . . for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want [whether having a homestudy completed or not]. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Waiting. Patience. Contentment. Okay, so these are definitely some areas that need improvement in my life. In my head, I know that my mood shouldn't be affected by my circumstances or situations, and I need to trust in the Lord and that everything will work out according to His timing. My lesson for today is to take that head knowledge and put it into practice. 

1 comment:

  1. It is very frustrating having to wait on others to do their jobs ... I know how you feel, we are currently waiting for NC to finalize Mikah's adoption, it is taking about 4 months longer than it should ... every time we call to check on the progress we are told that there is just one more notarized something a rather that they need before it can be approved, so I too am frustrated and annoyed that I am having to wait on others to do their jobs. But after saying all of that the one piece of advise I can offer (to myself as well) is to remember that God has perfect timing and this is all part of His plan! I really hope that everything moves along quickly so that you can start the wait to see your new little one for the 1st time!
