
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Somtimes You Just Have to Laugh (and grab the video camera!)

I could go so many directions with this post. It's an honest look at what life is sometimes like around here. (In case you are wondering, my girls aren't always sweet and smiling - although I know you find that hard to believe!) I could also talk about how sisters share everything, even the bad moments. How about the difficult moments of life with my "almost twins"? I could reminisce about my pre-kid days when I watched other parents deal with not-so-perfect kids and thought how that was NOT going to be me with my kids - they would NEVER act that way. Instead, I think I'll just smile and laugh and tell the story about bringing Kerri home from the hospital. After all, that's where this all started.
We walked into a quiet house, excited to be bringing our sweet little bundle home. Emma Lee was napping, we were tired (you know how much rest you get in a hospital), Kerri needed a diaper change, and with thoughts of a quiet day as a family of four, I went off to take care of little Kerri's needs. Here are the things I quickly discovered about Kerri: (1) She was a screamer, (2) She didn't like to have her skin exposed to the air. (3) Changing clothes or a diaper will result in impossibly loud screaming. Within seconds, I look up and Emma Lee is rubbing her eyes and staring not quite sure what that little thing on the changing table is or why it is making so much noise. I said something along the lines of "Hi, sweetie! Look, it's your new little baby sister!" Immediately, Emma Lee decided to join in and began doing a little screaming herself. Andy and I just stood there looking at each other and looking at our two inconsolable little girls, and we just had to laugh (it was either that or join in and start crying too!). 
Over the years, we've had other moments like these, especially when we were commuting 45 min to and from church before we moved to Durham with a baby who didn't like being strapped in a carseat and a toddler who didn't like loud noises. Sometimes, it's almost like a competition  - who can cry the loudest. Fortunately for my sensitive ear drums, these moments have gotten fewer and farther apart, but somedays, out of nowhere, we get this little reminder.

Sometimes we gently correct, sometimes we not so gently correct, sometimes we ignore it, sometimes we join in (or at least want to), and sometimes we just have to laugh and grab the video camera.

1 comment:

  1. ha, we have moments like this sometimes! too funny =) you are right, one day they will look back on this video and just laugh at themselves!
