
Friday, February 19, 2010

Puppy Love

We've had a little furry visitor the last couple of days...unfortunately for the girls (and probably fortunately for little Lola) she's not here to stay.

Lola is my sister's dog and is a serious contender for the favorite cousin spot!

Here's what Emma Lee and Kerri have discovered -

    Watching a movie is much more fun when you are cuddled up with a little furry friend.  

     Doggies give great hugs! 

    Lola is the perfect size to wear build-a-bear clothes. 

    Lola outranks any toy or source of entertainment in our house.

    Even potty time is interesting.

    It is fun having someone to boss around. 

     We love, love, love cute little dogs! 

    I'll give you one guess what the question of the week is going to be for Daddy!

      1 comment:

      1. ha...the build a bear clothes on her are funny! looks like you guys are having fun with her. now if only andy would get on board =)
