
Monday, February 15, 2010

Like Mother, Like Daughter(s)

Most of you who know me know that I love to decorate cakes! I don't know why it is so much fun for me to spend hours making something that will take someone literally seconds to tear into and ruin...but it is! If I had my way, I'd decorate at least a cake a week; however, since I don't want to see what eating all that cake would do to my body, I force myself to wait for special occasions or beg my friends and family to let me make a cake for their special occasions. (If you ever need a cake - just ask!) : ) Anyway, the girls are picking up on my love affair with icing, and I couldn't be happier. I made cupcakes for Emma Lee's preschool party and used the extra batter for mini cupcakes for the girls to decorate for their date night treat on Valentine's Day. They had almost as much fun decorating them as they did eating them!

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