
Saturday, April 14, 2012

School Recap: March

Wow, I just realized that I never posted my March update. Here it is - better late than never! March was the month of field trips for us! Our special focus was on animals, and we went on four field trips to get up close and personal with as many different types of animals as we could! First, we learned about the different categories of animals and what characteristics are common for each category. Our field trip to an animal show at the science museum supported our learning of these categories.

We also took a field trip to the Go Fish Education Center a short distance away. With 100 other homeschoolers going, I was a little nervous that things were going to be too chaotic and hectic, but the people there did a wonderful job, and it was an excellent experience. We all gathered together in a large room to watch a short introductory video, and then we were split into 3 groups to take turns participating in the 3 separate areas. First up for our group was fishing (using hot dog bait and real hooks!) in a well-stocked pond. Even though people were catching fish left and right all around us, somehow, neither girl managed to pull one in.

(I have to admit that I was kind of ok with that. I could just see Kerri becoming the next "Ordinary Amos and the Amazing Fish" kind of story!)
After our fishing time was up, our group rotated to the classroom to learn about fish and reptiles. Then we transitioned to the aquarium/fish hatchery part to get an up-close look at different GA fish.
 We also visited the zoo and had lots of adventures at a drive through "safari" and petting zoo place.

The girls were given the assignment of choosing one animal each, researching it, and giving a report on it. Kerri quickly chose tigers, and Emma Lee eventually settled on zebras. They read books, took their own notes, prepared a poster, and gave us a little report. They really got into the whole thing, worked hard, and did such a great job!

In other school news, the girls learned about prepositions, prepositional phrases, and objects of a preposition. We're still adding new prepositions, but they've really caught onto it. We did a fun "scavenger" hunt all around the house. After they found their prizes, we took the clues and identified all the prepositions in them. I took a video, but it's pretty long, so I'll spare you! Emma Lee has learned every letter in cursive and does a great job reading and writing almost anything in cursive. Everything else has been a lot of review and making sure that they really know what we've learned throughout the year.

We also took a week (almost, one day was one of our field trips, so I counted that day) of spring break even though I hadn't planned on it. One Monday, I planned a fun day full of Cherry Blossom festival stuff with the girls and told them we didn't have school because it was our spring break. They were excited, and we had fun. Tuesday morning comes, and I tell them to go downstairs - it's time for school - and they about had a fit. They insisted that it was spring break, and I said, "No, that was just yesterday." Somehow they knew (and insisted!) that spring break is supposed to last a whole week - not just one day, so I gave in (and enjoyed the break myself by doing a little sewing project!). We've had a great year, but I'm already looking forward to a summer break!

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