
Monday, February 27, 2012

Makes My Heart Glad

2 MONTHS! 2 short months is how long it took Emma Lee to do her first read through the Bible! She got an Action Bible for Christmas (and while it's not word for word the entire Bible, at 744 pages it's no quick read either!), and she's been soaking it up (unprompted!) ever since.
She started in Genesis, and when she went to bed last night she had just gotten to Revelation. She woke up early enough this morning to finish it and come excitedly rushing in to tell me by 7:30.

I love that she loves reading, but more importantly I love that she loves reading the Bible. In the last 2 months, she's often chosen to pick it up and read it over other books, at times choosing to read it over watching tv or playing. 

I love that she's made numerous connections between Bible stories. I can't count the times she's come running to me to explain something she's just read or the times I've overheard her excitedly telling Kerri about new truths she's discovered.

I hope that her love for God's Word continues to grow, and I'm thankful for the reminder I've gotten from her to have an excitement and love for reading the Bible.

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