
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

12-11-11 (better late than never!)

I totally forgot all about my post this month! We've been just a tad busy!

Recap: In January, after looking through pictures of the past year, I noticed that I didn't have that many of the girls together. I decided I would make sure that I took at least one picture of them together every month and post it. Here's December's, and a look at a year of the girls together.

I love that it helped change my mindset, and I ended up with even more pictures than these that help reflect their actual life - being together pretty much all the time! It also wasn't much pressure because most of them were just snapped as we went about our daily life. I love looking back on the pictures and relieving the memories from that moment. I think that I'll do another monthly challenge next year! Maybe one where I actually end up in the picture since I think I can count on one hand the pictures I made it into this year!

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