
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Crazy Monkeys

You know, just when you start thinking that your kids are growing up and getting so smart you walk into something like this:

I wish I had a picture of her face when I walked around the corner and saw her. She was so scared that she was in big trouble! I just paused and stared and she hung up there and stared back. It was just one of those times when I thought it was too priceless not to have a record of. I asked them (because Emma Lee was waiting for her turn) how in the world they did that, and they were more than happy to show me.

I have a feeling that recording their antics might possibly take away from my strict instructions to never do that again. I asked Emma Lee how long they've been doing this and she said, "Every time you're upstairs." Guess I know now why they've gotten so good on the monkey bars at the park...


  1. haha Erin and I used to get in the middle of a regular sized doorway and using our hands and feet crawl up the middle of it.

  2. That is pretty amazing! And thank goodness for strong doorframes :)

  3. i'm not surprised at all =) your girls are so strong!
