While we were at the beach we had one of those "divide and conquer moments" with the girls. We were shopping, and they had their own money burning a hole in their pockets. Of course, what immediately struck Kerri's interest (with Emma Lee quick to follow) were the hermit crabs. So interested were they in these crabs that they refused to spend their money on anything else in the store (and I did try my best because surely something in a junky beach store has to be tacky glitzy enough to compete with a hermit crab). We left empty-handed with the girls continuing to plead their case all the way home. Finally, tired of being the "bad guy," I said that they could ask daddy when he got back and if he said yes then they could get hermit crabs. I then proceeded to warn them in advance that there was no way in a million years that he would ever say yes.....and then promptly forgot about the situation.
Guess who didn't forget? Kerri was lying in wait the moment he walked in the door. In a rush of words full of excitement and even going so far as to bat her eyelashes, she made her request - being sure to add "Mommy said we could if you say yes!" At that moment, I'm sure somewhere froze over, because with a casual "Sure" the deed was done. With the quickly pronounced and newly acquired title of "the best parents in the world," off to the store we went. It was a long, big decision, but finally "Shelby" and "Shiny" were the newest members of our family.
to be continued....
A Poem in Words (for Red)
5 weeks ago
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