
Thursday, September 1, 2011

World of Coke

Hi, I'm Michaella, and I'm a coke-aholic.

My life's complete now that I've been to Hershey AND World of Coke! :)

It was a-ma-zing! Even more so because my mom and I saved up enough coke points (you know, from those little codes on top of the caps and inside the boxes) to get all 6 (my parents were here visiting) of us in for free. 
 Honestly, this place is about more than just the history of Coke. They make you feel so happy and sentimental and even patriotic about drinking and loving Coke. It's like the Disney World of advertising. I don't know - maybe it's brainwashing, but I came out of there so excited and happy about loving Coke and wanting to drink more of it and nothing else. Genius on their part!
Some of my favorite displays: Coke - for Headache and Exhaustion - that's definitely my philosophy! Coke and Chocolate also made the list for the emergency shelf.
We even found some tributes to Bulgaria
The girls favorite machine

Kerri loved this machine! You can't hear the sounds it makes of the top popping off, the fizz, and the "ahh" at the end, but you can hear what made her laugh every single time! 

Needless to say, my rarely-get-to-drink-a-soda girls where amazed that I was not only going to let them have soda but they were going to get to choose whatever kind - no kindS - they wanted - no limit. They were in heaven!
Good to the last drop
Some of them were not so tasty!
Some of them were too good to stop
I think they had a little too much to drink....
 Even Andy, who hasn't had a soda in 3 years, broke his streak and got in on the fun!
  Definitely lots of fun family memories made - thanks, Coke!

1 comment:

  1. I love that place, and I can't wait to go back! Glad you guys had a great time!
