
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Not-Too-Much-of-an-Update Update

After hitting a little snag, we've updated our immigration stuff (I think). I tell ya, it's always a pleasure dealing with our government (can you tell that was written with the sarcasm font?). Actually, we've sent them everything they've requested, twice, been fingerprinted for the fourth total time for this adoption, but are still waiting to receive the official document that says we've been renewed, which in turn will have to be sent with some other forms to Bulgaria to renew our status with them.

I'm pretty optimistic that we'll get everything from CIS though because after 2 1/2 weeks of mulitple unreturned phone calls from the only officer who we're allowed to talk to about our case and finally getting one (conveniently on the day I found out his supervisor's number and left a message with him) only to have all my questions answered with, "Well, I can't tell you that, but..." how else should I feel? It's such a joy to think about how we'll most likely have to do it all again in a year! (you read that with the sarcasm font too, didn't you?). Anyway, not too long after this experience, I read this blog post and just had to laugh. It's comforting to know that we're not alone in this experience, although I guess that's pretty much a "misery loves company" attitude. It's just easy to get the "maybe we're not supposed to be doing this because everything is so much harder for us than it is for everyone else" kind of doubts. Then I read a post here that offered the following comforting thoughts: 
I have been asked quite a few times lately about adoption in general, about getting started, and about what to think about ahead of time. My biggest warning isn't about birth order, agencies, country programs, fear of social workers, or even attachment. Know why?
Because the Enemy strikes at your heart.
He knows your fears… he put them there.
("For GOD has not given us a spirit of FEAR, but of power and love and a sound mind." 2 Tim 1:7)
He knows your weaknesses and exploits with half-truths.
("Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" Ge 3:1)
He wants you down, depressed, sad and deflated.
(The enemy pursues me, he crushes me to the ground; he makes me dwell in darkness like those long dead. Ps 143:3)
He wants you dead.
(Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1Pet.5:8)
In adoption, there is loss and redemption. There is pain and there is joy.
I have said it before, but when you step out in obedience to God, you engage the enemy. Be ready and expecting the attack. Be in prayer. Ask friends and family to pray for you too. Pray for strength, wisdom, and fierce resolve. And make sure you journal your experiences. Someday you will look back on this and see a very clear picture of God's divine protection and providence in your life!
So, here's me asking for your prayers; here's me journaling; here's me getting excited thinking about what God has planned for our family - because it's going to be so much greater with Him doing the planning than if I was in charge!

1 comment:

  1. You've got it, prayers coming your way :)
    Vent as often as you like, blogs are the best place for that!
