
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Happy 33rd!

My awesome husband turned 33 yesterday! Since all the writing in this blog is from my perspective, I decided it would be fun to have some input from him on his 33 years. Here's a list of 33 of his favorite memories, in order (somewhat) of when they happened:
  1. Mom leading children's choir at church and playing a song and game about a sleeping cat at the end of rehearsals. 
  2. Singing "Just a Swingin" and "Elvira" at the dentist office. 
  3. Fishing at the Blackwood farm with Dad.
  4. Watching Jerry Clower at the State Fair.
  5. Watching Earnhardt's pass in the grass with Dad.
  6. Mom taking me to Woolworth's during Edie's piano lessons. 
  7. Dancing at the beach to the One Man Band and having people throw money at me.
  8. Trip to Canada with the Greensboro Youth Chorus.
  9. Performing jokes at family reunions. 
  10. Breaking out of my shell - sense of humor started to take shape. 
  11. Basketball camp during the summer - scored 21 points in a game. 
  12. Trusting in Christ.
  13. Getting caught stealing and realizing more about Jesus' forgiveness. 
  14. 16th birthday party when 100 people unexpectedly showed up to join the party.
  15. Boy Scout Order of the Arrow weekend.
  16. 1st time ever shared the gospel.
  17. Becoming an Eagle Scout 3 days before 18th birthday.
  18. Changed majors in college from Engineering to Parks and Recreation.
  19. Forest Hills spring break mission trips.
  20. 1st sermon to about 300 teens at Camp Caswell.
  21. Blue Ridge Leaders School with Zach and Corey.
  22. First date with Michaella.
  23. Getting baptized after being a believer for 7 years. 
  24. Proposing to Michaella.
  25. Getting married/honeymoon.
  26. Going on a camping trip as a newly married couple.
  27. My calling to ministry.
  28. Birth of Emma Lee.
  29. Mission trip to China.
  30. Birth of Kerri.
  31. Spending a week in Disney World as a family.
  32. Graduating with a doctorate.
  33. Starting "K Time" and "E Time" with the girls.
Each year just keeps getting better and better with him! I'm so grateful for the marriage that we have, and I hope that we're blessed with many more years together! I love you and all your craziness, Andy Johnson!

*Sorry, I have pictures to include with this post, but my SD card is acting up on me and I can't get them onto my computer right now....

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