
Friday, September 30, 2011


Their first "just because" sleepover that wasn't planned because we needed someone to watch the girls but because they have "BFFs."

Not that it makes any difference to them why they get a sleepover as long as they do. For us, though, it's kind of a big deal....we're childless for a night. I think it's the beginning of a new parenting era: the sleepovers=impromptu date nights. The big question: what do we do? Pretty sure tonight's going to be pretty uneventful due to the fact that I'm in the "I'm not letting myself admit that I'm getting sick but I didn't sleep all night and Andy's not getting anywhere near me just in case" stage, but a dinner out with uninterrupted adult conversation (with the person I enjoy being with the most!) - I'll take it!

1 comment:

  1. I love so much about this post. They have "bffs". You get a date night. Not happy that you feel sick. =( Feel better!
