
Sunday, May 15, 2011

End of the Year Celebration

Our school year is officially over, and I had fully intended to post a brief overview of all that we've learned and done this year. Time's gotten away with me though, so it'll have to wait until later because I've got to get my bags packed and ready to go!!! We did have a big end of our first year celebration that included lunch at Chuck E. Cheese's (or the place where 92% of all pandemics begin, according to Andy).
My favorite students!
It was the first time the girls were more focused on which games give the most tickets instead of which little ride is the most fun. Just another sign that my babies are growing up. Sigh. It seems like I've seen more and more of that in the last several weeks.

It was a tough decision, but they finally got all of their tickets spent, and then because there were still plenty of hours left in our day of celebration, we headed off to a state park/lake.

The weather was perfect, and the crowds were non-existent.
Of course, Kerri had to try and make some furry friends
without their mommy's permission!
It was a great day to celebrate a great year!

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