
Friday, May 6, 2011

California or Bust

In less than 2 weeks, I'll be boarding a plane and landing in San Francisco to meet up with 2 out of 3 of my best friends from college (we're sooo sad our 4th couldn't make it to our annual get together this year, but she's got a pretty adorable little baby boy to make up for it!).
The four of us last year in Ocean City, MD
I think we've planned out almost every second, and we're pretty determined to fit in as much as possible! At this point, our itinerary includes checking out as much of San Fran as we can in a day, including a boat ride and a tour of Alcatraz, several days in LA taking in as many "must-sees" as we can and attending a taping of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno AND *insert drum roll here* the Price is Right!!! Plenty of beach time and a little trip to Lake Tahoe are also in our plans. Yes, I'm only going to be there for a week, but who needs sleep, right?!

Let's go back to the Price is Right thing - pretty much a dream come true for me! To say that I'm excited to have tickets to be in the audience is putting it mildly, add to that all the magnificent "what ifs" that are running through my head, I'll readily admit it: I'm having a hard time living in the land of reality here. Since it's always better to be prepared (ok, who am I fooling) Since I tend to spend a lot of time in the "what if" world, we've been doing a lot of game show watching around here, you know - just in case. With "Come on down!" being shouted at random times throughout the day and excited bids of "$1!" coming out of my children's mouths (along with requests to please win them that trip to Disney or that really cool cotton candy maker), I might just be creating a monster (well, several).

The other thing about going to the show is something that, I admit, is one of the very first things that popped into my mind when I found out: What shirts are we going to wear? There has got to be a line between game show spirit and TOO (because I know they all are on some level) tacky, but I'm pretty sure I don't know where it is. Here are my top two ideas:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Call me on down
Cause I *heart* Drew


I *heart* The Price is Right (on black t-shirt with rhinestones)

Neither one of them are the work of a creative genius, I know, but I'm working with the best I've got. Give me a little help, and tell me what you think!!

T-shirt Ideas
Roses are red
Go back to the drawing board!
I've got a better idea free polls

1 comment:

  1. Okay, first of all, I teared up ever so slightly when I saw the California title and me in the pic. Thanks for including me in your own special way. Also, I think this post is hilarious. How after all these years am I still learning quirky things about you? =D You are the best! You are going to have so much fun!!!!
