
Monday, March 28, 2011

All's Well That Ends Well

After an unfortunate incident with scissors, it was pretty essential that Emma Lee get a  haircut (Side note: WHY does my SIX year old lure me into a false sense of security that she is getting to be pretty trustworthy when left in her room alone and then do something like chop off a hunk of hair from her own head like a TWO year old??? AND why would that same six year old then proceed to cry herself to sleep because she doesn't want to get a haircut??)

I also thought it would be a pretty good time for Kerri to get a haircut, but she's been consistently resisting the idea for quite a while. Sooooo, I did what any good mommy would do - I resorted to some manipulation along with a tad of bribery thrown in there for good measure - and she actually agreed (as long as it was still longer than Emma Lee's!).

In the long run, they both ended up loving their new looks!

(Click picture for a larger view)


  1. Wow, Kerri's was really long! It looks thicker when it is shorter! And Emma Lee's looks adorable of course! Also, I'd like to point out that my 2 yr old has never cut his hair...yet. -Anna

  2. hand him some scissors and give him some time..... ;)

  3. I boys have never cut their hair...I on the other hand, had an unfortunate incident with scissors as a child. ;) their hair looks adorable! :)
