Monday, March 28, 2011

All's Well That Ends Well

After an unfortunate incident with scissors, it was pretty essential that Emma Lee get a  haircut (Side note: WHY does my SIX year old lure me into a false sense of security that she is getting to be pretty trustworthy when left in her room alone and then do something like chop off a hunk of hair from her own head like a TWO year old??? AND why would that same six year old then proceed to cry herself to sleep because she doesn't want to get a haircut??)

I also thought it would be a pretty good time for Kerri to get a haircut, but she's been consistently resisting the idea for quite a while. Sooooo, I did what any good mommy would do - I resorted to some manipulation along with a tad of bribery thrown in there for good measure - and she actually agreed (as long as it was still longer than Emma Lee's!).

In the long run, they both ended up loving their new looks!

(Click picture for a larger view)


Anonymous said...

Wow, Kerri's was really long! It looks thicker when it is shorter! And Emma Lee's looks adorable of course! Also, I'd like to point out that my 2 yr old has never cut his hair...yet. -Anna

The Johnson Scoop said...

hand him some scissors and give him some time..... ;)

Courtney said...

I boys have never cut their hair...I on the other hand, had an unfortunate incident with scissors as a child. ;) their hair looks adorable! :)