
Friday, December 3, 2010

Sew Cute!

This week the girls and I ventured out on our first little homeschool outing. Every other Thursday, a group of girls meet to do crafty type things - this week it just so happened to be sewing. Emma Lee was thrilled to learn how to sew and is very proud of the hand-sewn sachet she made.

Here she is hard at work:
Look at those great stitches!! She did everything (but thread the needle) all by herself!!
She now has her own little sewing basket and is begging for more projects (stay tuned!)

What about Kerri, you ask?

Well, I think the look on her face says it all.
Maybe she'll be more interested next time. ;)

1 comment:

  1. That's too funny about Kerri... Maybe if she were to make a bed for a dead bird or something she'd be more interested =)
