
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Next Level

I feel like we've taken a step up to the next level in our life as parents. That's right, even though it's not the "official" swagger wagon,

we are now proud new owners of a minivan!

Hey, I think it's already been proven that dads have major cool points, and a minivan only enhances that. Just in case you still have  some doubts, I offer you more proof: 

I mean, come on, just because I may be a minivan driving mom doesn't mean that I have to pull out the mom jeans anytime soon (or ever)!

Oh, by the way, while it has been proven in this post that owning a minivan does not inherently make one "uncool," if one was to happen to take a lets-all-jump-in-the-air picture in front of said minivan, that would most likely result in a pretty significant deduction of cool points. 

1 comment:

  1. You guys are hilarious!!! I love the van and this post :)
