
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Georgia Here We Come

Goodbye to all our sweet friends and family in Durham and in North Carolina! We'll miss you!

Special thanks to the Hambricks who kept the girls ALL DAY while mass chaos was going on at our house. They had a blast, and I'm glad that they were with people who could handle things like Emma Lee taking their new wheels and running over their three year old or Kerri trying to get bonus points in the scavenger hunt by bringing them a dead bird. Ah, memories! :) Check out Jen's post to see some sweet pictures of the girls playing together through the last five years.

On a side note, we spent our last night in Durham having a sleepover with our great friends the Taylors(who I think now can officially be considered family!). We had so much fun, we wondered why we don't do adult sleepovers more often! Put the kids to bed and have a blast staying up way too late - what could be better?! Especially when one of them is an insane morning person who doesn't mind getting up early the next morning and fixing the kids pancakes (thanks, Keith!!). We introduced them to Tim Hawkins (via youtube) and laughed so hard. Here is one of our favorite clips of the night. :)


  1. Michaella that reminds me of the Adult times that we would have with Natalie and Tracy. However, sometimes we would totally forget we left you guys up too. But, you were smart enough to figure out if you were quiet enough we would forget you longer! I am glad you have made dear friends. I think people in churches that you have shared so much with become the dearest friends. Some others that are "family" are the Whites. What memories. You will get even closer to some of those friends when they come to visit you too! Happy Moving and cannot wait until I see you guys again.

  2. Y'all will be missed more than you will ever know. I am so glad we had a chance to be friends and "roommates" this year. I pray that God will continue to use you each and everday in Ga . LOVE ALL OF YOU! Lee Anne
