
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Off to a Great Start

Today was amazing! Emma Lee was so excited she woke up at 5 am (but fortunately for all of us, she went back to sleep for a couple of hours!). I got lots of compliments (and no complaints) from my sweet girls who were having a blast. I hope their great attitudes last all year long!! 

 My strategy is to start off doing things like the number of the day, calendar, weather chart, verse of the week, etc. together. Then, I'll work individually first with Kerri and then with Emma Lee. While I'm working with one, the other is doing "backpack time" with a backpack full of things that they can do on their own (worksheets, coloring, books, puzzles, simple activities, etc.). The rule is that they have to stay in the other room, work on their activities, and not interrupt. After that, it's snack time, followed by some type of tactile activity (today it was finger painting letters, numbers, and names in chocolate pudding - a huge hit!). Next, we release some energy. Today, we did some silly exercises (other times we might play outside for a few minutes or go for a short walk). We finish up our time doing some more things that we can do together like experiments, arts and crafts, reading, piano, Spanish, extra workbook pages, pattern blocks, etc.

This schedule seems like it's going to work out really well for us. The way our curriculum is set up we have four days a week that follow this schedule and one day a week (Exploration Day) where we do some type of field trip or putting what we're learning into practice.

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