
Monday, July 19, 2010

wii really like it

We borrowed a wii from friends who were gone on vacation this past week. We loved it! I laughed so much watching the girls (and Andy and I had some fun playing it after they went to bed). ;) We didn't discover the wii fit until the last night we had it. If you need a laugh, watch/play the balance games! It's pretty hilarious (well, maybe it's only if you're watching Kerri aka Little Miss Uncoordinated try to keep her balance). It's also pretty addicting. I'll admit it - I was the one saying "Okay, just one more" when it was really time for the girls to be in bed. (Of course, part of that was due to my competitive nature when Emma Lee beat me in a few games!) Guess what's at the top of our wish list now? I'm thinking that it sounds like a pretty good birthday present for the girls, but that's a whole 4 months away . . . well, if you need someone to wii sit while you're on vacation, you know where to find us! ;)

wii really like it from Michaella Johnson on Vimeo.

*disclaimer - Don't laugh at the girls' choice of clothes - bedtime is when I give them free reign to express their creativity in their sense of style. In case you are wondering, they do have really cute pjs that actually match and fit. For the most part though, they choose to wear mismatched things that are generally two sizes too small. This night they actually had some pretty tame choices. Usually their wonderful creations consist of anywhere from 4-7 articles of clothing from various seasons and in a wide range of sizes. ;)

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