
Thursday, July 1, 2010

The "Scoop" on Something Amazing!

I recently stumbled across a fabulous find from reading a friend's blog. It's called a Lightscoop. It was just what I was looking for - some help with my indoor pictures. Most of the time I feel pretty unworthy of my camera, and I'm still trying to figure out a lot about it. I have zero training or experience on any type of photography, so I get overwhelmed pretty easily. I know I need to just get out there and experiment and try new settings. For now, most of my pictures are taken using the automatic settings (and I've been really happy just learning how to get the most from those).

The Lightscoop is a cheap solution (I got mine for $20 plus free shipping) for (easily!) helping me get some amazing results! It is an attachment that fits over the flash. It has a mirror that redirects the light from the flash to bounce off the ceiling. This lights up the room with more natural looking light instead of creating an overexposed look from the flash. Also, by taking vertical pictures, it bounces the light off a light colored wall and creates I look I've absolutely fallen in love with.

I'm so excited about this solution for taking pictures in indoor situations where there's not a lot of great lighting. Here are some pictures I took to show the difference. I didn't do any editing on them, they are straight from the camera to the computer.  :)

(I posted them small so you could get a closer side by side comparison. You can click on the image to make it larger.)

Camera's Auto Settings
With Lightscoop
Camera's Auto Settings
 With Lightscoop
Hope you find this tip as useful as I did!

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