
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

No Longer . . .

a baby

I think there's just something about a first haircut that ends babyhood. Although it's really just fooling myself for me to think my 4 1/2 year old is a baby, she is. She is my baby. Whether it makes sense or not, I think that's really why I've put off her first haircut for so long. (Plus, she spent the first year and a half of her life completely bald, so I didn't have much to work for a while!)



One thing I love about Kerri's hair is the cute little ringlets it makes. I've never been sure if it will stay that way or not. I blow dried it all straight after her cut to make sure that it was as all even, so I guess I'll have to wait until after bath time tomorrow for the answer because I can't convince her to take another one now.
Here's my sweet baby who's no longer a baby.

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