
Monday, June 7, 2010

How Many?

Yes, that's right. There are nine of us.
It doesn't happen too often where we all manage to get together at the same time (and this is definitely not the greatest picture of us all), but here's the latest shot of us. 

L-R:  Stephen, Dad, Anna, James, Karah, Nathan, Jeremy, Me, Mom.  

It will really be a while before it happens again because my little baby brother is getting ready to head off to Iraq for a year. Keep him in your prayers!

I'm so proud of my baby. 

1 comment:

  1. I think it is interesting how you all look definitely look like siblings...yet all of you so different.

    Big families are so fun, aren't they! =)

    We'll keep your baby brother in our prayers. Keep us updated.
