
Monday, May 10, 2010


Sorry to those of you out there who actually have been checking my blog for regular posts. We haven't been home much in the past two weeks, so let's catch-up. :) Here's what's been going on -

We spent a lot of time with my parents (and some of the girls' cousins) (and with the girls' favorite little dog). We did stuff around their house and on the lake, went to a great park, saw some neat traveling animals, and rode a camel (how many times are you going to get a chance to do that??)

On the adoption front, we got our criminal background checks back from the FBI and for those of you who doubted - Andy and I both have a clean record. :) We also had our third set of fingerprints taken (biometrics this time instead of ink) for the I-800A application, which is for US Citizenship and Immigration Services. We have run into a slight snag with this application and need to get some other paperwork to them "signed under penalty of perjury" within 45 days. Hopefully I'll figure out what that means before the 45 days are up! ;) I'm hoping that we are pretty close to having our dossier all finished, which is the last major thing on our part that we need to do. We also have one last fundraiser with the Hambricks scheduled for May 22. It is a yard sale/bake sale, so if you want to donate any items for either part just let me know!

On the home front, Andy's dissertation is officially turned in, so he is officially Dr. Johnson now! We are looking forward to his graduation ceremony on May 28th! The girls are quick to remind him of his promise to get them a dog since he is done with school now. He's stalling a little by telling them it take a while to find the perfect dog for us (aka one that we can afford!) :)

We had a great Mother's Day with a HUGE surprise for me!!! I was in shock. I cried. Let's just say that I won't expect any more presents for the rest of the year! Because my sweet husband decided to surprise we with a "real" camera for a combo Mother's Day/thanks for getting me through school/birthday/etc. gift! Expect LOTS of pictures to come in the near future. IF I can figure out how to turn it on. Kidding - although I am having a hard time remembering to take the lens cap off.

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