
Monday, April 5, 2010

A Week in Review

Whew! What a great week we had! It was a perfect vacation (by my standards - Andy has a completely different idea of what a perfect vacation is but I'm pretty sure he enjoyed himself this week too!) We ended up not having wifi and hardly turned on the tv, instead we did my favorite things - family outings, hanging out and talking with my best friends, staying up late every night to play an assortment of games, and of course the "beachy" things involving sand and water and the Ocean City boardwalk, and then the "Eastery" things like coloring Easter eggs and an Easter egg hunt on the beach. Like I said, "Whew!" :)

Day One
The morning started out with Andy accidentally hitting Emma Lee's loose tooth, causing it to only hang out by a thread. There was a lot of blood and a lot of tears and one scared little girl. She seriously cried almost straight through 3 hours. She wouldn't talk; she wouldn't eat; she was miserable, and so was Mommy! Andy doesn't do teeth things - for some reason he's really freaked out by it, so if anything was going to happen it was up to me. As a kid, I always let my teeth dangle and hold on until they eventually just fell out without any effort at all. I also experienced some of my not-so-patient-siblings having my dad pull out their teeth and vowed that I would never do that to my kids! Because I know how Emma Lee is, I knew that she wasn't going to just forget about it or be happy until it was over. So, I did it. I pulled her tooth. I called her into the bathroom, and sat her down for a talk. I explained that I was going to pull her tooth out and that it wasn't going to hurt too much and that it probable wasn't even going to bleed anymore. She was a little upset, but I think I sealed the deal when I said that it was good practice for getting her ears pierced (which she really wants to do) - it will hurt a little at first but she will look like such a big girl after it's finished. I gave her the option of me pulling it out with my fingers or tying some dental floss around it and pulling it out that way. Through her tears she got out a pitiful little "Let me think about it for a minute." and then choose for me to use my fingers. (I'm pretty sure at this point I was more scared than she was.) I asked her if she wanted to hold one of my hands while I pulled it out with the other one, but she asked for Kerri. Kerri was called back to hold Emma Lee's hands and to offer comfort. Kerri was trying hard to fight back her own tears because she was scared for Emma Lee but she grabbed Emma Lee's hands and squeezed them in her own. My first pull didn't get it out. Teeth are slippery little things, but it easily came out with my second attempt. Emma Lee almost immediately started laughing, and all was right in our world again. :) The tooth fairy even managed to find her that night!

Day Two
Being the second day of non-stop rain, we decided to head off to an indoor bounce place to let the kiddos run around and wear themselves out. It worked, and they had a lot of fun in the process!

Day Three
The sun was out and everyone was restless to get to the beach! Even though it was chilly, the girls insisted that they had to wear their swimsuits. While the rest of us were comfy in our jeans and sweatshirts, my two crazy little ones didn't complain once about being cold. We also toured the boardwalk and went swimming in an indoor pool and relaxed in a big hot tub. We ended the night with coloring and painting Easter eggs.

Day Four
An even prettier day! We planned an Easter egg hunt on the beach for the kids and had fun snapping a billion pictures (or so) while they found them all. We then spent some more time soaking up some sun on the beach.

Day Five
Headed back to the boardwalk and had a fun time pedaling a surry around. Of course, we had to head back down to the beach later on. The girls even splashed around some in the freezing water.

Day Six
Sad goodbyes. Lots of memories made. Looking forward to our next adventure together - whenever that might be.  

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