
Sunday, January 31, 2010

PJ Sunday

It's a freezing cold, snow-filled Sunday. In contrast to our usual busy, rushing around Sunday, this morning we enjoyed sleeping in, eating a big breakfast, and then had our own little worship time - in our pj's of course!
We sang some worship songs

while Andy played the "k-tar,"

had a sweet prayer time led by Emma Lee,

and learned about putting on the armor of God.

 The girls had to finish up our time with a puppet show "just like Ms. Shawna and Ms. Jessica."
(Kerri's "pretend voice" that she uses for all her barbies, dolls, stuffed animals, etc is very high-pitched. It was cracking me up to listen to her try to sing using that voice.)

I love our church and what we do there, but it was nice to snuggle up and have some family worship time today.

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