
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

News from the Adoption Front

We have completed half of our homestudy visits, and should be completely finished with our homestudy by the end of the month! We really like our social worker and things have gone very smoothly. We did hit another little financial-related speed bump, but I think that we have recovered and are moving right along. Thank you all for your prayers and support! We also received the forms we need to start our dossier, and it was pretty overwhelming to look at - lots and lots of stuff to do for that! Right now, it seems like this is a never-ending process, but every now and then I feel like it is actually really going to happen. :)
We've also been trying to learn more about Bulgaria. One thing for sure - their language is not easy! Here's what it looks like: Обичам те (I love you), Здравей (hello), благодаря (thank-you). Here's what it should sound like: Obecham te (I love you), Zdravey (hello), Blago-dah-Ryah (thank-you). Also, I've read that to shake your head back and forth means "yes" and to nod up and down means "no." Man, that could get confusing! :) 

Due to some thought prompted by a question in our homestudy, I'm trying to think of ways we can incorporate some of Bulgaria's culture into our lives after we bring our little boy home. Here are two ideas I've had so far: (1) Is there a special Christmas tradition we can add to what we do every year? (2) Is there a special Bulgarian holiday that we can celebrate every year? I haven't had the time to do any research for these two things, but it's a start. Any other ideas that you've tried or heard of are welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Is there an active community of families who have adopted from Bulgaria in the triangle area? For China, that helps a lot. Bulgaria may be a lot rarer, but there may be - an internet search might turn something up. Praying for you guys. Tricia
